Tag Archives: writing blog posts

Julie & Julia–An Excellent Film; An Excellent Example of the Power of Blogging

It was a Sunday night. The football game was one-sided. My wife talked me in to renting the movie “Julie & Julia”. This film turned out to be well worth the two hours I spent watching it, and a monument to the power of blogging on a consistent basis.

For those of you who have not seen the film, I will only touch on plot details. Suffice it to say, that this is a film about two extremely powerful women, whose careers advance, not in spite of their husbands’ support, but in large part, because of the supportive relationship of the respective marriages. All very 21st century “feel good”, but masterfully done.

One of the protagonists, Julie, sets out to write a blog a day. In her case, her posts concerns recipes and how they turned out and what feelings they engendered within her. One of the thrusts of the movie was that her blogging was as much for herself, as her audience, and that started to hit home for me, and, probably for most of you.

I have realized that I write posts to educate and entertain others, but also to make myself feel good. I am a full-time practicing attorney. While my “story” might interest some, it is probably not interesting, or unique, enough to be the subject of a novel or a biography. In other words, I would have little hope of being “published” even if I quit practicing real estate law in Massachusetts and wrote fiction, or non-fiction, every day.

On the other hand, I can write a blog post for Realtor’s Resource (my blog) or ActiveRain (our blog) any time I want to, and it will be read by a few people. Some will comment; most will not. It doesn’t really make that much difference. I am “in print” and I am saying something that I want to say to people who may be interested. That is enough for me.