I have been writing posts for ActiveRain since February, 2009. I have had a few featured posts; I have had many more which did not evoke any reader interest. ironically, the posts I wrote which became “featured” were not what I considered my best, or even most original. Others, which I absolutely thought would get people making comments,proved to be duds. My observations on this phenomena, and on my involvement with ActiveRain in general, are as follows:
1. ActiveRain Nation is one diverse group of people. A lot of you practice real estate in states where attorneys are not very much involved. Accordingly, some of my comments about situations I have experienced are not of much interest to you.
2. The posts which you have responded to most actively involve situations where strategy is involved. Strategy and planning are two aspects of our profession which people relate to. So if I discuss some of the marketing initiatives our firm has instituted, or the virtues of “walking away” from transactions, you responded actively and with many interesting comments.
3. There are a lot of smart and motivated people logging in to ActiveRain every day. I enjoy other people’s posts, and I believe been able to learn a lot from them. In terms of the posts which I have written, some of your comments have been somewhat “anti-attorney”. Most, however, have been helpful and constructive.
Bottom line to all of you, I intend to keep sending in posts and trying to keep them lively and on point.I do not have the luxury of having something tangible to sell, like a piece of real estate whch I have listed. I just need to come up with ideas that are new and appeal to you. i welcome the challenge, and thank those many of you who have been responding to my better efforts.