Closings in Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket–They are not Quite as Mysterious as you Might Imagine

I am sure most of you are aware of the existence of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, if for no other reason, the fact that several of our recent president’s have spent summer vacations “on Island” as they call it. Each of these islands has its own Registry of Deeds (Dukes County for Martha’s Vineyard; Nantucket County for Nantucket). Each of the islands has special “land taxes” of Two (2%) Per Cent of the Purchase Price, which must be paid by the Buyer before their Deed will be permitted to be recorded.

Couple the land tax with still lofty prices charged for homes on the island, and there is an almost sense of intimidation that accompanies considering purchasing a home, or assisting a client purchasing a home,  on Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.

My  law firm, Topkins & Bevans, has offices in Boston, Waltham and Braintree, Massachusetts. Over the years, we have established many solid connections on the two islands. We regularly conduct real estate closings with respect to island property, and we are familiar with local practices. There is regular plane service from Boston to each of the islands. The flights are short and reliable.

If you are an out of state realtor or attorney, we would welcome the opportunity to assist you in weaving through Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket transactions. They can be managed “off-island” extremely efficiently and, generally, at a substantial savings in cost.

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