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RICHARD BARRETT: Well I think that really it’s going to be defeated in Iraq Syria by two things: by the regional powers coming together and saying, “Look, we need to deal with this. It is more the threat to us than our own petty rivalries and differences, our sectarianism and so ugg boots hobart tasmania on,” particularly Saudi Arabia and Iran. Once those regional powers agree, “Yes, we need to deal with this,” and they can bring in the other powers, for example, Russia, which is very key to the survival of Bashar al Assad, then I think we’ll get some traction against the Islamic State. But more importantly, I think that the Islamic State cannot be defeated while there’s nothing to take its place. It has really filled a vacuum, and until something else is ready to fill that vacuum, and that means a decent level of governance, it means an equality for the Sunnis and opportunity for the tribes there and so on, then the Islamic State will replica short ugg boots continue to have at least passive support. So there has to be something which offers a better future for those people who aren’t ideologically committed, but are politically see their future at the moment better with the Islamic State than the existing governments.

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