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According to the Annual Retail Trade Survey of the Bureau of Census, the annual gross margin as a percentage of sales for shoe retail industry is 42.6% in 2002. This is relatively high compared to food and beverage stores with 28.5 gross margin, gasoline stations at 19.3 and electronics/appliance stores at 27.8.

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At the time, Iraq was in some serious debt to their tiny neighbor Kuwait, which had loaned them a whopping $80 billion for the Iran Iraq War. At this point, America didn’t have a dog in this fight. They’d given Iraq $40 million in aid to fight Iran. They were of the opinion that as long as nobody was getting too strong and invasion y in the region, everyone would act like a couple of little Fonzies and be cool. When Saddam stationed 100,000 Iraqi soldiers along the Kuwait border, things started looking decidedly un Fonzie like, but then on July 25, 1990, Kuwait finally agreed to an oil settlement that would have solved the crisis. Everyone with an economic interest in the region had given both sides of the conflict a resounding “Bitch be cool!” and it had worked.

“You wear 20 percent of your clothes 80 percent of the time,” says Bernadett Vajda, a New York based image consultant and style expert. Having wardrobe clutter means you’re wading through stuff that’s just wasting space, and that also wastes precious time. “I suggest removing every single item ugg boots boys uggs from your closet and trying things on in front of an honest friend,” says Vajda. Then separate your clothes into three piles (keep, donate/sell, or alter). “That’s why closet organization is key.” After you’ve cleared out wardrobe clutter, organize your closet either by style or season and then by color. Martini suggests sales ugg classic 5818 outlet online buying extra hangers that are different from the ones you currently own and putting an item back on the new hangers each time you wear something to differentiate what you have ugg boots reviews bluetooth headsets for sale and haven’t worn. After about six months, look at what you haven’t worn and decide if you should give it away to keep your closet de cluttered for the long haul.