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It has dipped its boots in Lake Superior, crashed a wedding and attended an aboriginal pow wow.A talking, bucket bodied robot has enthralled Canadians since it departed from Halifax last month on a 6000km hitchhiking journey to the Pacific coast.HitchBOT, created by Ontario based communication researchers studying the relationship between people and technology, will reach its final destination tomorrow in Victoria, British Columbia, where it will receive a traditional aboriginal canoe greeting at Victoria Harbor.”What we wanted to do is situate robotics and artificial technologies into unlikely scenarios and push the limits of what it’s capable of,” said David Smith, the robot’s co creator, who teaches at Ontario’s McMaster University. The robot looks like it was made out of components scavenged from a garage sale a bucket, pool noodles, cake saver, garden gloves and yellow gumboots but it has a sense of direction and can even ask and answer questions.Smith said hitchBOT had a GPS system and was programmed with speech recognition software that worked in conjunction with language modelling. The robot linked questions with answers by looking for key words and was programmed to scour Wikipedia to spit out regionally relevant facts.The team also programmed hitchBOT to track its adventures online and take pictures to post on Twitter and Instagram.It didn’t take long for HitchBOT to become a social media sensation.

Now, the good news is that Russians are just as nostalgic for the old days as action movie lovers (because at least then they had shoes to eat), and have been moving further and further toward old repressive Soviet policies. Not coincidentally, Russian bad guys have started to pop up again in movies like Iron Man 2 and ugg boots retailer wholesale distributor wanted games like Modern Warfare 2. The actual country still isn’t back in top villain form though (where they’d have a massive army of soldiers wearing instead of eating their army boots), which means buy uggs 5800 factory movie and game makers usually have to go with rogue Russians or Russian mobs..

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Dad, ugg boots locations and addresses online of course, plays a role here, too. If it’s your turn to put her to bed and she insists on daddy, he can’t “rescue” her by coming in and reading; that sends a message that, (a) mom really isn’t as good as dad is; and (b) she buy uggs 5819 shop really does need dad and only dad. Instead, dad comes into the room, tells her firmly, “It’s mommy’s turn to read tonight.

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