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Then came the debate in Myrtle Beach, hosted by Fox News. Ron Paul was asked if he’d stand by his criticism of the military operation that killed Osama bin Laden. He said he would. In the 1990s, before joining the Army, he was a youth worker in inner city Birmingham.Amin called for a task force to be set up to bring together ugg boots glitter dress a team of experts from the Government, religious communities, civil society and young Muslims themselves, to serve for a minimum of five years and in addition to the government’s much derided Prevent strategy, to “defeat the coherent message of international terrorists who’ve hijacked religion for their own ends”.He said: “This counternarrative work must also address and deal with injustices whether they are real or merely perceived. It should be able to undertake nationwide and international activity in co ordination with senior religious and political leaders but also with young people who ugg boots deals 63113 are representative of the “jihad generation” of inner city Muslim teenagers.”That so many of them feel so disenfranchised with us and then turn to this gang of brigands cloaked with a false version of Islam is not their fault. It is our fault: we who are the society in which they were born, went to school, were raised and became young, independently minded adults.

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