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11: Arrive at Sawyer Pond. This has to be one of the more popular backcountry campsites in the White Mountains thanks to the easy trail and the spectacular view across the pond. Any time from Memorial Day through the end of foliage season, you aren’t likely to have the place to yourself. Sawyer has a lean to shelter which sleeps eight (sardines in a can) and six tent platforms, all first come first served. We had hoped to set up our mesh inner ugg 5918 factory tents inside the lean to (mosquito and rain protection with a view), but others had beaten us to it, so we set up our two freestanding tents with their rainflies on one of the large platforms. The rest of the platforms were empty. Some blogs mention litter here, but the whole place, including the outhouse, was immaculate.

You take the time and look carefully, you can see the trails of the snails, you can see the clams squirt at you, Lindsay says. She points out some tiny, skinny brown cylinders barely visible on the surface of the mud. are feces made by worms, she says. (It turns out there is tremendous variation among worm feces on the mud flat. Some worms make little dark footballs, some make a diarrhea mound, others make toothpaste spirals.) ugg bottes France

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