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Osteomyelitis, which affects about two of every 10,000 people, is typically caused by bacteria, often staphylococcus, according to the Cleveland Clinic. It can result from an injury, such as a fracture in which a bone pierces the skin. I took no notice. I guess I shut it out.

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Never cheap.” As the client notes, “cheap isn’t part of any girl’s fantasy,” and by putting the word out there, you put it in the customer’s mind even with a “never” in front of it. Some of us would argue that’s true of how women are sometimes portrayed on the show.

Yes, this boot brand is spelled U G G, as in: why the f are you wearing those uggly things on your feet? The name, however fitting, comes from the generic term for sheepskin boots in Australia that rose to popularity in the 1970s. Despite their feminine form, Uggs have made a tremendous comeback for both women and men since the early 2000s.

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It has also been an unusually warm September day and night in the city and already people from both the Yes and No camps are gathering in George Square in the city centre, anxiously awaiting the result. There is the same nervous sense of anticipation here at Central Quay where the Record staff are working through the night.

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