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“We had the feeling people didn’t understand what we were talking about. They were just looking at the figures. When you look at the figures in absolute [compared with other diseases that kill many more people] people say ‘why are we getting so excited?’ But Ebola has completely killed the infrastructure of these countries.

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Beyond the Arab world, the nature and intensity of the threat represented by the ISIS needs also to be fully understood. Contrary to a common assumption, the hatred of the jihadists, their desire to destroy the Western world, is not only generated by what the Western world does or doesn’t do but for many of them by what this Western world is: the values, lifestyle and mindset it represents.

This mantra was ramrodded down the throat of American business in the eighties (nineteen eighties, that is) and early nineties that we became sick of living the lie. So what happened? Well, for the past five or six years it has become vogue to fire your customers is, those customers who are not profitable or are a pain in the The worm has truly turned. Sweet emotional release is achieved when discount uggs 5521 store you can stand proudly before your support group, chin high and twinkle in your eye, and utter, just fired a customer! A hearty round of applause is bestowed upon you, as if you just announced you have been alcohol and drug free for six months.

Every picture tells a story, and this one only gets worse the more you think about it. You might assume we’ve stumbled upon Dad’s suicide note while he’s off working up the nerve to make it a memorable Christmas. But notice that the note is written in the second person. That can only mean that this note is written to dad, essentially saying: “Look, we’re not going to kill you. But if your failure to provide for this family makes you want to kill yourself, well, Merry Christmas. It’s a Colt, so even you should be able to do this job .

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