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Their diet is a typical one of high altitude plateaus where nothing much grows apart from grass, artemisia, and some wild onions in summer. It is similar to the diet found amongst other nomadic societies, like the Tibetans and the Mongolians. They raise mainly goats, sheep and yaks, as well as Bactrian camels and horses.

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He even made you “Happy.” So if he feels like wearing Smokey the Bear’s wearing ugg boots hat, he will. Also? He can wear Uggs to the BET Awards and short pants to the Oscars. Because he is Pharrell, and you will deal with it.. However, once Daxter vocalized some time after dealing with her, she recognized his voice, and they finally reunited. Keira also apparently had either some connection or at least support for the Underground movement, as when she discovered Krew’s new “errand boys” were working for the Underground, she let them keep the JET Board (this being before she knew who they were). Erol, the NYFE racing grand champion and Krimzon Guard commander at the cheap ugg classic 5359 factory time, also had some flirtatious engagements with Keira, though it is unknown if he received the inverse .

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