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What Not To Wear. But seriously maybe she can’t afford new clothes. I worked a job where they paid me barely minimum wage and expected mr to wear business suits and all that. I could barely afford the ramen I was eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Maybe try to find out why she wears the clothes she does is it a matter of money or simple laziness, or lack of style? Be her friend, take her out shopping and steer her to the business casual racks.

And there are some new players on the scene. No longer is it just the realm of old school heads in smoky lounges with decades of experience under their belts. CapitalBop, the two headed jazz hydra of Giovanni Russonello and Luke Stewart, is doing its best to bring the genre to younger audiences in the area. The Post’s Chris Richards profiles the movement. In other news, Luke Stewart is my friend. And a super cool dude.

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