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The false start of September 1911 is a reminder that there is no such thing as an inevitable outcome in the risky enterprise of polar exploration. Methodical and careful, Amundsen was also a man of towering ambition, prey to the same dangerous dreams and impulses that drive all explorers to risk their lives in wild places. Amundsen’s greatness is not that he lacked such driving forces but that he mastered them his diary entries go on to show. Four days after his premature start Amundsen assessed his party’s situation dispassionately and made the decision to “hurry back to wait for the spring. To risk men and animals by continuing stubbornly once we have set off, is something I couldn’t consider. If we are to win the game, the pieces must be moved properly; a false move and everything could be lost.” The ability to regain and maintain perspective in the pursuit of something as heady as a personal dream is a rare ugg 5800 factory on sale asset. Like other great explorers, Amundsen knew when to turn back.

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Good call on oil in the boots! There was oil trapped, I cleaned all 4 thoroughly and the blue smoke and cat damaging errors went away. However, a new problem has arisen (idle surge) and the fast long cranking (every other time) remains. The only error code I had was for the throttle control valve stuck mechanically so I cleaned it inhternally with brake cleaner and the electrical contacts, and that went away. SO, right now it drives beautifully on the freeway, but has the idle/long cranking. When ugg boots from ugg usa stationary in the driveway at temperature, it seems to be steady in drive, but in “park” it is generally OK, but when I turn off the AC it goes from 600 rpm up to 1700 rpm and wanders down slowly or sticks high. Also there is often a high pitch humming sound that I hope cheap uggs 5359 shop is not the water pump. I did buy a Bosch mass air flow valve and have tried putting the ugg boots 5740 store old one back with the same results. Also, I rechecked an recleaned all emission related electrical contacts. So far, discount kids uggs classic tall you fixing the problems as I develop new ones, but can we leapfrog to perfection? canada goose jackets

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