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I loved the 80s as I left school in 81 so feel that the 80s was ‘my’ decade. I loved the music, well most of it anyway. I wore a lot of the fashions, a Relax T shirt for one. I bought a puffball skirt but never wore it! I loved going out clubbing in the 80s because men and women had to dress up or wouldn’t get in so it seemed like more of an occasion. I was a member of a group called 18 plus for a few years and we were out at social or charity events nearly every night, I had some great friends there. I met and married my first husband in 85 and 88. My wedding dress was lovely, ugg boots rihanna outfits for sale off the shoulder ivory silk with a layered train. The day was the hottest of the year. There were good times and bad times but I look upon the 80s as the best time of my life, although they are pretty good at present!

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